La la land brings life to the dry and pure struggle of Artists in Hollywood by Jitu Das Film reviews

La la land is a movie that transcends the time or era, it's not just about 20th century jazz music , it's about the pure struggle of artists in Hollywood. The endless rejection and broken heart of the creative world, pushes one to submit to the so called real world, but the real world only means following established order. There is an established order in every society and communities and anything new is frowned uponed. If you are starting to do something new and creative, be ready, be strong for there will be criticism from everywhere.

La la land has that pain of rejection, hope and dreams of a good life, a bright career. But still life is so delicate and you better be careful when you let someone pass by for you may never find someone that match you perfectly.

La la land is a movie about our choices in life and how we make decisions when there is too much pressure in life, when life is tangled between love and career.

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