1000 Quotes about Life, Universe and everything by Jitu Das quotes Part 7

Having what you want never satisfies you the way you have hoped it would, but it directs your attention to your other wants and this process goes on and on as keep getting what you want. That is not a bad thing.  The search for the fulfillment of your wants is a great feeling, the moments of hope and anticipation of fulfilling your dreams and desires they keeps you alive.
602. People who laughs at others problems, they are not your family, they are not humane.
603. When you do what can be done by you you achieve greatness.
604. The  change does not matter because easy e about how much you have  changed.changed
605. You can't be everything,  everything is overrated, it is plenty to have one thing that really matters than having everything that doesn't mean much.
606. Before getting close to someone or making friends with someone,  ask yourself is if that person has ever made others lives better.
607. You can always stop feeling sorry for yourself and start changing your life, world by doing what you can do.
608. Don't worry about what can not be done by you,  do what is in front of you.
609. Turns out that the women are changing in 21st century like they never experienced. It is the thrill of the change, power, influence have changed the world. It impacts everything. The brand new feelings  of power, money and influence is blinding most so called educated, free women.They have forgotten or being abnormally ignorant about men makes the world the way it is.  If you are wondering about what I am talking about, I am talking facts. If you are asking me if I think women as equal to men or not. Ofcourse I don't think that women are equal to men. Those who think that or brainwashed to think woman are equal to men. I don't buy that.  I know that media,  movies, news,  everywhere there is a promotion of women power.  But I think that while it is inspiring the women, it is also decreasing the men's image in the media.
610. All the worthless films I have watched in my life, I wasted my life.  Instead I could have done something on my own not great may be,but still it would have been something I did.
611. You must go through the pain, embarrassment, letting down of others, you must move on, let go of the failures of the past, move on towards greater good with no regrets to punish you no more. You may fail for the lack of discipline, control and focus. Too much greed and lust is a very dangerous thing. Let go of it.  Have what you need, don't worry about what you want or should want. There is no should about want
612. Do you have same fate as your father's did ? Why can you not be great if that was not the case.
613. Never try get it all at once, it's really losing game. Get them one by one as you need them.
614. You want to fill up the empty feeling in your chest, the thing is that it is not empty, it is the infinite hole, you can never fill it up. You can try your whole life, something is always going to be there to make you feel that emptiness inside. Just know that this emptiness you are feeling is an universal melodrama. Everyone feels that emptiness that can not be filled with anything.
615. In my experiences for about 23 years, I have learned now going through all those  moments of weakness, greed,  lust and idleness ,jealousy and envy,  that they never helps you grow toward neither goodness or greatness. 
616. Greed is the result of of idleness, weakness of both body and spirit.
617. Greed shows you the easy road, rewards and in result greed gives you regret, a lot of it to ruin your life. 
618. We really unappreciate the little things, small efforts to make life great and easy.
619. You need to appreciate your every small efforts, small steps, small achievements.
620. Why do we make the same mistake over and over again,  it is because you never learn anything from your mistakes.
621. When you are doing something or watching something or you are with someone or you are somewhere, if you are not feeling good, then know that you are doing wrong  you are watching wrong, you are someone wrong or you are somewhere wrong.
622. The instinct is the language of the life, nature and the force of universe that guides you your whole life.
623.   What empowers you is what you need to have. If someone or something makes you feel great ,free and empowers you from within ,that someone is your soul mate and that something is what you were born to do. 
624. When bad things happen in the family,  you should not fight with each other, instead you should help each other. Because without each other and their wellness, there is no family, there is no good life.
625. Hinduism is not just a religion, it is the most ancient and eternal Dharma.
626. We find peace when we trust in our self, in our feelings, in our guts.
627. . When you believe in yourself, you are most focused, concentrated and there is no existence of distractions or distress.
628. When you believe in yourself, you think that everything is possible.
629. I can not accept you untill you give me yourself completely as I have given you myself completely. -J.D.Oct 13, 2013
630. The world, the people constantly tells you that you should not be happy for what you have,  but you should always be unhappy and miserable for what you don't have.
631. Being humble is not showing that you are weak or vulnerable, it is about being strong enough to say the truth. Period.
632. When there is too much drama in the world, family and relationship, do not involve yourself in it or you might be a part of endless, meaningless drama of so called daily life. When the truth is that there is no daily life,  there is only one life , life as a whole.
633. There is always gonna be drama wherever you go, look at,  but the thing is what kind of drama you enjoy and what kind of you can not live in.
634. When I look at people, yes they are living their lives doing their work, but their mind is somewhere else,  it is not just some people,  everybody is living their life and wishing for something else.
635.   The truth is everybody has dreams,  they keep daydreaming,  but they do nothing about it,  they feel lazy,  they think its too hard,  but rather they would do thousands time harder work they don't like and even suck at it.
636. The truth is you can wait your whole life for good things to happen to you,  good people to come to your life and wait for the perfect love, or you can go for it, towards your dreams and desires,  you can take a small step every day to meet your dreams.  Waiting for the things to happen on it's own in the future is a very depressing. You must make your own luck.
637. Life as a perfectionist feels like  seeing everything imperfect,  everything challenging to fix it up.
638. Love is the light of life that shows the way and ease our journey towards our destiny.
639. The sound is so soothing and relaxing and yet so fantastic.
640. All the greatest things are lying  within until you make them rise.
641. When there is a negative conversation, there is also lot of sigh.
642. Life is  as a whole a great festival. Live life fully because you are gonna die and it can happen at anytime. So how much time you have ?
643. You can always try to beat the odds. Do your best to live a long and good life. 
644. Do the things that makes you feel good about life and yourself. 
645. What kind of positive person calls another person a negative person.
646. Some days are hard, unbelievably, annoyingly, unbearably hard. But you have to still keep going with the courses of life.
647. Journey is what matters at the destination.
648. Don't get or have things that you don't want.
649. Are you feeling bad?  Ask yourself are you confused right now. If you are ,then know that confused minds are never happy. 
650. We see more reasons to be unhappy than the reasons to be happy. 
651. There is no other way to do this,  I mean anything in life,  you have to die hard trust your self.
652. A sudden epiphany entered to my mind just right now that it doesn't matter how big the book or how many such books you have, all that matters is that how many pages you have enjoyed, does not really from which book.
653. Most of our Life sucks because we are not living our lives, we are living someone else's design of life.
654. Be no mediocre no more. Rise up to your best, towards the greatness. 
655. There is also madness in the greatness. 
656. True love is worth your life.
657. True love makes life meaningful.
658. Find your true interest or passion,  following it will teach you live and love your life.
659. Love when you are young,  otherwise you are wasting the greatest time to love.
660. Ideas have evolved more than the genes have ever evolved. 
661. It seems good when you listen to your parents, but the truth is that they don't know everything,  nobody knows everything, so you better not believe and obey everything that parents says.
662. It is impossible to love yourself when you are not being yourself.
663. Trusting yourself does not mean having second thoughts all the time.
664.  Trusting yourself may sometimes seem like a big mistake,  but the truth is that in the end of life it doesn't matter what happened,  only thing that makes you regret is what did not happened. So make your life, everyday filled with diverse happenings with trust and belief in yourself.
665. The thing is that the relationships can not take burden of life ,that relationship is not working.  The truth is mutual love holds a relationship.  We make our own life,  your love life part is also your own creation whether sad or happy. The key to happiness is not repeating the past in your mind  and keep moving forward with lots of hope of a better future.  You are  young  ,you have a long life ahead,  so don't waste your time on unworthy, false relationships.  Seek for true love and and when you find it then follow it.
666. There is no sound sweeter than the children singing devotional song. 
667. Whatever ails you,  only you can heal yourself.
668. If life has an end and we can do live all the eternity,  then life should be fun and filled with new good experiences.
669. Narcissism is the end of love. 
670. When you are not doing what others tells you, don't feel regret it guilty, instead feel free to make your own decisions and design of life. 
671. Being Happy is very easy if you can let go all your worries and live as you want to live.
672. In Hindi Philosophy means a way of looking towards the world,  a different perspective.  So my world is different from yours. That is the thing our knowledge creates our world .
673. The right things are in the right places of the universe or otherwise the earth would not be in the perfect place either to sustain life, us.
674. To find what is right for you , you have search within
675. To find what you want,  you have to search in the right place.
676. Love is knowing each other to the depths where there is no ego of separation but only miracle of cosmic union.
677. . As long as you have something to look forward to, you have a meaning in life and you can be happy. To have a goal, dream or a wish is happiness.
678. The best teacher that can ever teach you to be good or great at anything is you yourself.
679. To know a person's true character watch him or her how they treat the people who have less in money or anything else. 
680. As long as love is alive in your heart, you are not a bad person. 
681. Love is being happy making the loved ones smile.
682. Just like everyone, you will also die,  it is the truth, but what can you do with this truth?  
683. You can worry much less than ever ,  experience new things, have an curious mind to explore, make new discoveries, seek for enlightenment, have more fun with family and friends.
684. Why do we live, dream and hope and desire even though we are all going to die and not exist anymore,  I think because what else could you do with your life other than that.
685. True love is being able to share your greatest fear and secrets with the one.
686. Small steps are more important than bigger stepswhen you are doing a great work.
687. If you need energy to go on with life, you need to keep searching for new sources for energy.
688. 14 November 2015
689. The frustration of not having the love of your life is awful and so much painful than anyone can understand.
690. You can not control everything that happens. You were never in control of all the things that have happened and you will never be able to control everything that will happen. But if you try, you  might control enough to make your life better.

15 November 2015
691. Life is too short and there is infinite tasks to do, what to do and what not ? How can you know what should you prefer high ! Well, I think you should  always give your heart high preference, because if the heart is happy, then you are happy.
692. The purpose of art should be liberating people from their pain and despair, not to give headache with unnecessary, not believable tale.
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693. When you are sure that there is no need to be afraid then you can find peace in your heart, mind and body. So make sure of that.
Create Time: 12/23/2015 07:17 PM
694. You become angry for not having things you want,  you become happy having things you want. In either case your feelings will wear out.
Create Time: 12/19/2015 10:17 AM
695. Everything you do doesn't have to benefit only you,  you could always do things that will help others to make their lives better.
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696. Why do I dream? I dream because it's these dreams fills my heart with joy.
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697. World is not perfect,  its noisy ,disorderd,  injustice and violence ,you will never find peace if you react to these things all the time,  sometimes you need to ignore the world, to find peace, solace to be creative
Create Time: 12/9/2015 04:42 PM
698. Everything changes but truth remains the same.
Create Time: 11/10/2015 12:50 PM
699. If you need energy to go on with life, you need to keep searching for new sources for energy.
Create Time: 11/8/2015 06:15 PM
700. Small steps are more important than bigger stepswhen you are doing a great work

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