What do you want right now ? by Jitu Das

If you want something get it, if you don't get it, there will be a belief arise in your subconscious mind that you can't get what you want. This belief will keep making you sad, in future you may forget what you wanted badly, but the sad feeling in about yourself that you can't what you want will live as long as you don't get what you want.

 If you want anything in the world, take it seriously, get it anyway. No matter what happens, no matter what people say, no matter great books say you must get what you want. If you really want you will keep trying to get it, but if you still not getting what you want, because you are afraid what would people say, remember forget about making people happy by doing what they want to see. 

Get what you want. If you feel like nothing to do, if you feel like there is nothing interesting, if you are being bored most of the time, then you are having a  psychological  problem. Then you must be missing what you want, I am not talking about what you need, because everyone care about what they want. Now I am happy , because I want to write and writing. But I need to study now. 

But its not all about doing what you want to, you still need to do things that you should do, that is an universal human tragedy, but this tragedy can be turned into a wonderful romance or a epic fantasy by keep doing what you want to do, if you keep doing what you want to the noises begins to disappear, so what noise I am talking about, what ? have you never been in a doubt, have you never got confused, have you never had to choose an option, did you never had a headache when you get so much confused and worry.

Have you never felt like I can't think anymore. So now you are getting what kind of noises I am talking. Damn it ! my friend, its your thoughts I am talking, that arises in your brain. Many people commit suicide get away from the thoughts of regrets , loneliness , fear of uncertainty. But the bloody noises are so full of shit and its an universal problem. At first they appear as doubt, then confusion, then you start worry, then it becomes an anxiety, and then you get stressed, your heart start to beat faster, your sleepless nights starts, OK that gone too far.

So never ever deny to get what you want. Take it seriously, because you can't try to want something. What ever you want is special, get it. Everything else is secondary or not even that. From this hour start doing what you want to do, keep getting what you want to have. Make a list of things you want to do. Trust your within, go get what you want. Your one time Life is short. So What do you want right now?


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