What is drug addiction ? by Jitu Das

Drugs addiction is a disease, it can't be cured by blaming, shouting or beating the drug addicted person, he must consult a good pscycologist. Parents should not put their childrens in a competetion, they must indeed take away their children from the race, and inspire and motivate their children to a life of joy, balance and harmony. Its always good to remember that life is for only one time, there is no heaven or hell. Everything is here on earth. Most parents thinks that getting good grades is everything, I think good grades are just the fruits of possible  big tree their children could be. Parents must not compare their children and start inspiring and helping to achieve greatness not just grades by tiresome useless memorizing. The purpore of education must not be memorizing notes and vomitting them out in the examination. That is not what education should be, but in my state its still 100 year old educational system. Its just upset, and may be thats why we are a 3rd world country. The education must be changed, the current is giving us good grades. Life is not about getting grades. Now, education is only a way to get certificates of graduation to apply for a job. Most people go to college only to that period they have to, no students seems to be interested in studying further more. Well, the professors are also seems to have no will to teach and improve the life of students.
Drug addiction is also a absence of knowledge about drugs, and what can it cause life. That boy died because he was afraid of tomorrow and most people are afraid of future. Students are worried and afraid about theis future/ career. Thats where education system fails and the whole system. The purpose of education should be making us free from fear. As Marrey Curie said, there is nothing to fear, only to be understood.


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পাঁচ ৰাজ্যৰ শ্ৰেণীবিভাজন ব্যৱস্থাই জীৱক তেওঁলোকৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰি পাঁচটা প্ৰধান ৰাজ্যত ভাগ কৰে:  কিংডম মনেৰা: ইয়াত প্ৰ'কেৰিয়...