Why you should love yourself ?by Jitu Das

Don't crticize yourself for making mistakes. To err is human, always remember that. Stop trying to be perfect, because you don't have to be. You are beautiful just the way you are. Those who loves you truly, wouldn't wanna change, wouldn't want to make you perfect, and yet some changes are required, like overcoming a bad habit, bad habit could be anything that lowers your self being. Bad habit is not a mistake, its a conscious choice you make everytime. Bad habits can ruin your life and good habits makes your life more beautiful.
So, don't get confused by mistakes and bad habits. If you make a mistake, don't blame or criticize yourself, because mistakes happens by everyone. Besides, you can only make it more worse by criticizing yourself, not undo the mistake. You should forgive yourself for whatever mistake you have done. And about bad habits ? Well, I believe that best way to overcome a bad habit is to create a good habit. It is very hard to get rid of a bad habit, for that reason, you must create a good habit, which will decrease your bad habit and soon you will have no bad habit.
Always love yourself, no matter who you are, no matter what you did or what you do. If you have done many mistakes, its okay, everybody has done more than one mistakes. Love yourself right now, every moment. Love yourself just the way you are. No matter how you look, your mind and thoughts are good and beautiful. To love yourself, you have more reasons than you can imagine. Love yourself because now you are alive. Your body, mind and god has kept you alive all these years. Love yourself, because you have learned more from mistakes than from success. Love yourself for your whole existness, love yourself because no matter how, you have kept walking this great road of life. Love yourself, because eyes to see the beauty of the world, love yourself because if do not love yourself then no one would.


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