The Shawshank Redemption ( 1994 film ) by JituDas film reviews
"The Shawshank Redemption" is a wonderful film, one of the greatest. The story is about an innocent man Andy Duffrence who was convicted of murder of his wife and her lover , he was sent to prison named Shawshank ,In Shawshank Andy made some friends ,red, tommy , Booker,Heywood . On the outside He was a banker, He was given life sentence but he only spent there 19 years, I told u Andy was innocent .No one in Shawshank ever hoped for freedom, but Andy was different, ,in less than 20 years Andy made a tunnel through his wall with a little hammer . In life Everyone need something to get his time occupied and himself .once Andy Duffrence told Red to get busy in living or get busy in dying. One stormy night in 1966 Andy escaped from the Shawshank and went to Mexico. well it was Tim Robbins who performed the character of Andy Duffence. I feel now Hope is the best thing in the world. And I hope that you would read this, I hope that you would reply to me. well Tim Robbins won Oscar for his mind blowing act and ACADEMY AWARD winner Morgan Freeman performed the character of Red. Seriously this film can show the exact life of a prison .I felt really good when Andy Duffrence escaped and Red was sent out to society. Andy Duffrence went to mexico , to a place called xihuatanejio, near pacific ocean .At last Red meet Andy Duffrence. so it was film of hope showing people that how the hell it does feel to live in a prison. so we must enjoy our free life like a bird , there is no cage ,we can soar higher to our dream .enjoy your life with freedom and independence. Appreciate your life, live like you were dying,.My friend there is no way of knowing how your future gonna be, so enjoy every little things, one day you would know those were the biggest things. Don't worry about what happened and whats gonna be. But you must hope for what do you want in your life. You know my friend hope is everything , Hope is a good thing, may be one of the best thing in the world, Hope to fulfill your dream. Get busy living or get busy dying,and that's God damn right.
My ideas about feminism and what can save Europe and the world by JituDas philosophy
I think that Feminists lack their feminine characters( amiable, sweet, lovely and above all kind not aggressive to the whole mankind because they might have hurt by someone or something self imposed victimized notion. For this feminism is a idea which can not help the world, especially the women. Because I have doubts those feminists are the best friends of women. Men are actually more ready to help and support women, it is the way mother nature created us man and woman completing each other. Feminist misdirects this nature of human disrespecting the men, because as far as I have seen, I have seen good man and woman living together with love and respect for their whole life. So don't let this selfish, power hungry, greedy, lazy woman who don't believe in humanity but in their feminism. Interesting thing is that those feminists they have lost their feminine characters. If you want to really want to do something good in the world then you can do that by supporting the good men of the world not by trying to be equal of men, because you could never be. Being a man (XY) is not something is not something in your chromosome. I am not criticizing or blaming the good women. I am asking you to trust the good men. Men and women have come a eternity together helping each other to this day and we have a long way to go. Always remember how the world exists, the world exists because there is love between man and woman. Do you wonder why birth rate is decreasing in Europe ? I wonder sometimes even though I am not an European, but as a human being I worry about the humankind ( men and women ). It's because of all alternative relationship among men and women. I have no problem with those relationships but I wonder what happened ? Neither answering those questions is my attempt nor criticizing, but truth is truth and it reveals the reasons behind the lower birth rates in Europe. The main reasons are maybe :
1. May be the lost belief in god makes planning for future meaningless, that is why many people don't get married.
2. Or the feminism motivating career orientation. So those women have lower priority on getting married and having kids.
3. May be it's the generation problem, it's just that you can't blame everything on those feminists ! The generation born between 1980 and 2000 are called Me generation, the selfish generation that does a soul search a lot, but the destiny which is death does not matter, the journey matters, which philosophy just blow away morality if the destiny doesn't not matter, then we lose something very important and great, which is Hope. And that's what is happening, the hopelessness in the future. Future is uncertain but that doesn't mean that we should not hope. Without hope there is no future of Humankind. Hope can only found when we do the right thing. The right thing is anything that helps the world, not divide it. There is already too much division in humanity, but when there comes a situation where women hates men and men hates women, things get real hopeless. To achieve hope for future men women must work together helping, supporting each other because it is the hope of eternity that can save the world whether you believe in God or science.
Meaning of Om ,God & what inspired me believe again by Jitu Das philosophy
There is a great and world famous mantra that you should know, it is called the mahamrityunjaya mantra, which means the great death winning mantra. There are three gods in Hindu dharma, actually not just in Hindu dharma but in all religion or dharma, which are Christianity, Islam. But how ?well that is the interesting part , isn't it ?
Let me share some truth that I have learned recently from a man who practices vedic rituals, he studies other religions too. Lately I have been wondering what does "Om" means that god Shiva chants while meditating ?,so when the man came to our house in a occasion, I asked him about the word "Om", which is actually not just a word in Hindu religion. Yes that is true. If you are interested in Hindu religion then you must first learn about " Om". So he answered that Om actually holds names of three god ( Om = Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) God Brahma( means creator of the Brahmanda, the cosmos), God Vishnu ( the one who operates the cosmos ) and Shiva ( the god who can destroy the cosmos). In case of christianity, GOD means ( G = generator, O = operator, D= destructor), in case of Islam there is 786. So you can see that there is similarity in all these main three religion. We all pray all three god of same characteristics, but we can not see it. So when god Shiva chants Om, he prays to all three god including himself.
In the beginning I said about a mantra of winning death, a mantra to pray Shiva, they say that it is all about believe. I am writing all about this religion, god, Om , Shiva, you may be wondering if I believe or not, or I am just writing. Well I am not just writing about it. For last 4 years I was trying to find all the answers of the what this is all about, why we are all here ? What is the meaning of our life while we drift through the space that has no end, to look up at the sky in the night became a habit, but it made me only sad, because there was no one answer and to understand all of it was never possible for a someone like me who has no significant role in it. But I kept suffering not because I had all these existential question, but I was ignorant of the fact that the we have not understand the weather of our world, so why did I thought that I could know the cosmos. But that does not mean I have lost the interest in all those question, but this time I am not in a rush of knowing it all, but I am interested more in sharing every knowledge I acquire. That is why I opening my mind to all things from religion, philosophy, spirituality,music, films, to science. I may study Zoology but I am a student of all those above subjects. Thus I no longer limit myself and the beliefs, I am ready to believe in all the good thing that brings joy, peace, happiness and above all enlightenment to follow toward your destiny. That is I believe in god, I believe in Om, I believe in Shiva. Your religion is your own thing all religion tells about forgiveness, goodness and of truth, beauty. So I chose to believe in god Shiva. Everyone needs inspiration to do something. I also found my inspiration when I was travelling with my brother in a night bus to Nagaon, when I saw thousands of people walking on the highway wearing red clothes on their bare feet in lines cheering in the name of god Shiva, their joy touched me and I felt that joy and inspiration in that journey meeting Shiva bhakta all along the road. Then I Shiva temple next morning and it felt I got my belief back again. To believe anything you need inspiration, and its true. So do not believe in something until you get the inspiration.
So the mahamrityunjaya mantra is :
Om trambakang jajamahe sugandhing pushti There is a great and world famous mantra that you should know, it is called the mahamrityunjaya mantra, which means the great death winning mantra. There are three gods in Hindu dharma, actually not just in Hindu dharma but in all religion or dharma, which are Christianity, Islam. But how ?well that is the interesting part , isn't it ?
Let me share some truth that I have learned recently from a man who practices vedic rituals, he studies other religions too. Lately I have been wondering what does "Om" means that god Shiva chants while meditating ?,so when the man came to our house in a occasion, I asked him about the word "Om", which is actually not just a word in Hindu religion. Yes that is true. If you are interested in Hindu religion then you must first learn about " Om". So he answered that Om actually holds names of three god ( Om = Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) God Brahma( means creator of the Brahmanda, the cosmos), God Vishnu ( the one who operates the cosmos ) and Shiva ( the god who can destroy the cosmos). In case of christianity, GOD means ( G = generator, O = operator, D= destructor), in case of Islam there is 786. So you can see that there is similarity in all these main three religion. We all pray all three god of same characteristics, but we can not see it. So when god Shiva chants Om, he prays to all three god including himself.
In the beginning I said about a mantra of winning death, a mantra to pray Shiva, they say that it is all about believe. I am writing all about this religion, god, Om , Shiva, you may be wondering if I believe or not, or I am just writing. Well I am not just writing about it. For last 4 years I was trying to find all the answers of the what this is all about, why we are all here ? What is the meaning of our life while we drift through the space that has no end, to look up at the sky in the night became a habit, but it made me only sad, because there was no one answer and to understand all of it was never possible for a someone like me who has no significant role in it. But I kept suffering not because I had all these existential question, but I was ignorant of the fact that the we have not understand the weather of our world, so why did I thought that I could know the cosmos. But that does not mean I have lost the interest in all those question, but this time I am not in a rush of knowing it all, but I am interested more in sharing every knowledge I acquire. That is why I opening my mind to all things from religion, philosophy, spirituality,music, films, to science. I may study Zoology but I am a student of all those above subjects. Thus I no longer limit myself and the beliefs, I am ready to believe in all the good thing that brings joy, peace, happiness and above all enlightenment to follow toward your destiny. That is I believe in god, I believe in Om, I believe in Shiva. Your religion is your own thing all religion tells about forgiveness, goodness and of truth, beauty. So I chose to believe in god Shiva. Everyone needs inspiration to do something. I also found my inspiration when I was travelling with my brother in a night bus to Nagaon, when I saw thousands of people walking on the highway wearing red clothes on their bare feet in lines cheering in the name of god Shiva, their joy touched me and I felt that joy and inspiration in that journey meeting Shiva bhakta all along the road. Then I Shiva temple next morning and it felt I got my belief back again. To believe anything you need inspiration, and its true. So do not believe in something until you get the inspiration.
Filth (2013 film) review and summary by Jitu Das
We all think that we are good, sane, but are we really ? Filth shows you insanity of addicted people. Bruce Robertson is a detective who is troubled by his childhood memories, which is why he is addicted to alcohol,drugs and sex. His addictions are not releasing him from the truth, to escape from the truth he takes drugs, manipulates people and corrupts his power. He thinks that if he could get the promotion, he would get his family back. But things does not go so well, lies could no more make him the inspector, if he has no interest in doing his job. Thus he take a journey of madness ultimately leading to the end.
Anna Karenina ( 2012 film) summary by Jitu Das
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is a great novel about love and relationship. Its about passion and duties. It is about idealism, adultry and Russia. It is also one of the greatest novel in the world which could make you think about love once again and about how people change their life. The main characters are Anna Karenina, Stiva, Alexender, Alexi Vronsky,Dolly, Levin.
Anna is the wife of a minister who devoted his life to Russia, among people he is well respected, to the people he is like a saint. He is well mannered, he believes in god and forgiveness. But he was not as passionate as Alexi Vronsky who was young, who worked in military. Anna was not satisfied with her husband but she never knew that she could get what she needed untill she met Alexi in a ball. Anna came to Moscow to solve the marriage trouble between his brother Stiva and Dolly caused because of Stiva's adultry with the governess. But Anna convince Dolly to forgive Stiva and Stiva never changes. In a ball Anna met Alexi and they dance, which brings public attention because Anna was a married woman. Anna leaves Moscow and Alexi follows her to Petersburg. Alexi proposes his love and Anna could not help herself to resist the temptation of this love offered to her. Then there was nothing in morale that mattered to them, they were damned for what sweet love they had !
Meanwhile Levin comes to meet his old friend Stiva for the advice on the occassion to propose his love to Kitty, Stiva's sister in law. Levin is man of himself, he is an idealist in somethings, he is a wealthy land owner in the country area but he treats the people well. He believes in simple living but he was in love with Kitty, who was 18,beautiful, kind girl. When Levin proposed to Kitty, she said no because she hoped to marry Count Alexei Vronsky. Who fell in love with Anna.
After the Levin's failure in love , he visits his brother Nikolai, who have given up all his inheritence, he was an extremist, he believed in equality of people, he also regarded a prostitute named Masha his wife who took care of his degrading health because he drank too much vodka. Nikolai even asks Levin to marry one of his peasant girl.
Levin leaves the city, for which he had never much taste and returns home. He starts to work with his people and mows. Levin asks an old peasant who was owned by his father, but Levin never treated his peasants as such about how it could the grace of god that he is the master of them, Levin had his doubts about god and how he works. He buys new lands in the country. Meanwhile Stiva visits Levin at the country telling him that Kitty and Alexei are no longer going to be married.One misty morning Levin sees beautiful Kitty passing by road and returns to Moscow again to meet Kitty. Stiva arranges the meeting. Kitty says to Levin that she was foolish and silly. Kitty had changed after the heartbreak, she often talked to her sister Dolly she would never marry. But when seing Levin, as such a good man who only loved her she said Levin that she loves him. In the dinner Levin said that he believed in pure love and to love a married woman is a greed, a gluttony. People at the dinner table loughs calling him an idealist and Kitty nows falls in love with him completely.
While Levin was talking about pure love, for Anna love of Alexei was all that mattered above her husband, son and society. Was there any difference between adultry of Stiva and Anna. Anna loved only Vronsky while Stiva never loved only one. But society treated Anna badly and no one talked about Stiva maybe even Anna herself convinced Dolly to forgive him before.
Alexei's mother never approved of his relatipnship as no mother would, who was hoping that Alexei would marry young princess Sorokina. But this plan haunts Anna that she would lose Vronsky. This fear leads her to behave rudely to Vronsky and when Anna goes to opera, people starts to whisper about her scandals, which does eventually breaks her and when oneday princess Sorokina picks up Vronsky when his mother called for him, Anna feels like she lost him and gets frustrated by on her own, then she drinks laudanum, a tincture of opium and leaves the house and gets on train doubting his love to see if Vronsky went to see his mother or not. On the train she hallucinates about Vronsky and Princess Sorokina making passionate love. On the last station she loses her reasons and dies when she jumps under upcoming train saying god forgive me !.
Meanwhile Levin marries Kitty and takes her to country estate, where he finds his brother Nikolai and Masha staying there. Levin fears that Kitty would not like Masha staying there because she comes from such elite family. But what Kitty did was very surprising.She helped Masha in nursing Nikolai without hesitating which showed how great woman she was even though she came from such rich family.
One day mowing the field, Levin asks the old peasant about how does someone knows what is rightly. The old peasant says that one just knows it. Levin tells him that he believe in reasons, then the old peasant asked Levin about what reason he chose his wife. Then Levin realizes something and comes home, holds his baby and tells Kitty he understands. Kitty asks, "what do you understand ?" Levin says nothing.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest film reviews &summary by Jitu Das film reviews
Just watched the "One flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975) film and it is really disappointing. The title gives you so much hope and spirit to fly but in the end that was all for nothing. This film is one of the most tragic film I have ever seen. The hindi film Kyon ki was inspired by this film.
This film is completely opposite of the great and my most favourite "Shawshank redemption". The tragedy of a story touches you and passes on to you a fraction of it and there is no escaping from it if you are a sensitive person.
What this movie is all about ?
I do not know much about the hidden meanings, if there is in the novel. But I do know that the death of Randle Patrick "Mac" McMurphy does not make the film great, but the hopes that McMurphy was rising in me in the begining. I thought that he will fly( escape) from the cuckoo's nest ( Mental institution), but he was not the one, but mountain sized Chief, who was pretending to be mute and deaf escapes after smothering lobotomized McMurphy with the pillow. I do not understand what McMurphy wanted to achieve there in the first place rather than going to jail. Was it a fun idea for him to go in mental institute ? I do not know
may be he did not know that mental institutes are not like jail or hospital, it is a trap and no one should ever play with that. That was the biggest mistake he did, I think. To play with sanity is only for the movies and theaters but not in real life.
Anyway, there the mean nurse Mildred, a devil woman who manipulates the patients by her inhuman behaviour, yes she is the woman who can not feel,she has no love, no kindness.
It actually shocked me to watch a woman like nurse Mildred, she is the most scary woman I have ever seen, even the ghosts women are not that scary. Who blackmails young Billy that she would tell his mother that he made love to Candy, brought by McMurphy, on the night, McMurphy planned to escape by making the guard, Mr.Turkle drunk. I do not know, why but in the morning nurse Mildred finds the hospital like a night club, and McMurphy sleeping on the floor next to the window, through which they were planning to escape. But still, on the morning he would have escaped because he punched one guard. When Nurse Ratched discovers young Billy sleeping with Candy, she blackmails him that he did a wrong thing by making love to that girl. Billy who is absurdly afraid of his mother, he even tried to commit suicide before when he fell in love. I wonder what a evil mother he had. But this time when the most evil woman Mildred blackmailed him that she would tell about it to his mother, Billy gave up on his life. Meanwhile McMurphy was trying to unlock the window with keys, and punched a guard. Billy gets afraid and he starts stuttering again, then in the office he cuts his throat with a broken class, while McMurphy was attempting to escape through the window, then a nurse shouts and comes out of the office with blood on her white nurse uniform, everybody rushes to the room, even the guard who was stopping McMurphy and Chief from escaping, but then again, McMurphy does not escape, rather he comes back and tries to strangle nurse Ratched, then a guard hits McMurphy on the head. McMurphy becomes captive again, he was lobotomized (
It consists of cutting or scraping away most of the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex, the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain.) Lobotomy is one of the worst, evil, inhuman discovery of science. The irony is that the originator of the procedure was given the great big Nobel prize in the field of Physiology of medicine on 1949, I guess at that time Hitler was not the only bad thing that happened.
This is why you can not let the scientists rule the world. We have the general idea that the benefits of science are great, the scientists are also great and good men. But are all scientists good people ? Then why such inhuman discovery was credited with nobel prize ?
King Kong( 2005 film)review& summary by Jitu Das FILM reviews

Memento(2000 film) summary & analysis by Jitu Das
Her (2013 film) summary by Jitu Das film reviews
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