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Assamese film Rowd, review by Jitu Das film reviews
The theme was great. The name Rowd was also great. But, the acting, directing, editing were not good enough !
- What liked the film Rowd -
The picture quality was good, most the location were beautiful. The songs are beautiful used in the film. The song pakhi pakhi man mur helps the flashback of the childhood to bring alive.
- What I did not liked -
The first scene, where Utpal running is incomplete. Jayanta Vagabati searching for a man called VCD, as he said that VCD is known to all, that was funny but made unnecessarily and acting of Utpal was not natural.
Well, theme was great, but screenplay, directing, editing were done, just without passion. The theme Rod meaning, a bright story, an inspiring one that could motivate people. The most disappointing thing about Rowd, was to watch an assamese film, where most of characters were using not only english words,but sentences, that was a minus point.
May be the filmmaker didn't realise that if we could show people using our own assamese languge, the youngers would love their language and use Assamese language more ! Already, rich people prefer English medium school for their children. If you make a film using English sentences, how could that inspire people lo love our mother language !
A film should always have a good soundtrack. At the scene where Vagavat Pritam was talking to Manali that he has done all for her,there was no soundtrack at all, And at scene, where Padmarag is talking with Vagabat Pritam, that he married Manali for revenge, that scene was most boring. They could have made a flashback, instead of that boring talk scene.
Well, Munmi, is the one who's character was well defined, Her act was also normal. But, the character of Utpal was weakly constructed, He don't had a passion for one thing. If he was a singer at college, why he went to photography. The reason he told that he has no music in him anymore just because his girlfriend betrayed him. But, he was playing guitar, singing song from his childhood. It was his passion, he was good at that. But, a singer doesn't stop singing, a musician just don't stop making music, rather, they make some masterpiece that lasts forever. Just like, when Beatrice died, Dante wrote Divine Comedy, in his great sadness. I think
that the VCD, Jayanta Vagavati was searching was the "Rowd". I felt like watching a VCD more than watching a film.
Assamese sad love poems (with image)- যাদুকৰী জোনাক নিশা-by Jitu Das poems
এই ৰাতি, এই জোনাক নিশা,
বাজি গ'ল ১১ টা,
অকলশৰে আছু বিছনাত,
চাই আছু পাংখাৰ বতাহত উঠা নমা কৰি থকা,
দিনপঞ্জীৰ ছেপ্তেম্বৰ মাহৰ পৃষ্ঠা ।
যেন ক'ব বিছাৰিছে আজি ২৮, মোৰ সময় শেষ , মোক যাবলৈ দিয়া ।
কি মায়াময় হৈ উঠে ৰাতিবোওৰ কেতিয়াবা,
সময় থমকি যায়,থমকি পৰে জোন,বেলি,তৰা,
জোনে যেন অনুভৱ কৰে গৰ্ব, পৃথিৱীক দি এনে মায়াবী জোনাক নিশা ।
যাদুকৰী জোনাক নিশা,হেডফোনত শুনি আছু ফাইন্দিং নেভাৰলেণ্ডৰ আবহ স্ংগীত ,
যেম্ন শুই পৰিছো পাহাৰৰ সমতল ঘাঁহনিত ।
কিযে সুন্দৰ এই জোনাক নিশা, তথাপি বুকুৱে বিচাৰে সান্নিধ্য প্ৰিয়াৰ
এই জোনাক নিশা বহু প্ৰেমিকে পাইছে প্ৰিয়াৰ সান্নিধ্য,
বহুতে ফোনত মিথা মিথা কথা পাতিয়ে সন্তুস্ত,
আৰু বহুতে মোৰ দৰে লিখিছে কবিতা,
কাঢ়ি লৈ এটা দীঘল হৃদয়বিদাৰক হুমুনীয়াহ ।
Magh or Bhogali Bihu 2014,the great national food festival of Assam by Jitu Das
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মেজি জ্ব্লোৱা |
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নাৰিকল-চুজিৰ লাড়ু, |
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মাহ-কাড়ে, |
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নাৰিকলৰ পিঠা |
পুহ-মাঘৰ স্ংক্ৰান্তিৰ দিনা ভোগালী বিহু বা মাঘ বিহু । এই বিহু তিনিদিন পালন কৰা হয় । পুহত শালি ধান,মাহ , মুগ, তিল আদি শস্য চপাই আনি মানুহে ভঁৰাল ভৰায় । এই সময়ত ধনী -দুখীয়া সকলোৰে ঘৰত দুমুঠি ধান- চাউল থাকে। সেই বাবে এই বিহুত খোৱা-বোৱাৰ ধুমধাম বেছি । এই বিহুত সান্দহ,নাৰিকলৰ পিঠা, তিল-মিঠেৰ পিঠা, তিল-নিমখৰ পিঠা, নাৰিকল-চুজিৰ লাড়ু, তিলৰ লাড়ু, আখৈ আদি অসমৰ বেছিভাগ মানুহে বেছিভাগ ঘৰতে বনাই লয় আৰু নিজে খোৱাৰ লগতে আত্মীয় -কুতুম্ব, ওচৰ-চবুৰীয়াকো নিমন্ত্ৰণ কৰি খুওৱা হয় ।
মাঘ বিহুৰ বিশেষ আকৰ্ষণ হ'ল মেজি জ্ব্লোৱা । গাঁওৰ ডেকাসকলে নৰা-কাটি পুহতে মেজি প্ৰ্স্তুত কৰে । উৰুকাৰ দিনা তেওঁলোকে লগ-ভাত খাই, গীত-পদ গাই উজাগৰে থাকে । ৰাতি পুওৱাৰ লগে লগে গা- পা ধুই মেজিত দিয়ে । জুই দপ্দপ্কৈ জ্বলি উঠিলে মন্ত্ৰ মাতি মাহ, মুগ, তিল, চাউল, ঘিউ আৰু আমৰ পাত জুইত দি অগ্নিক সেৱা জনোৱা হয় ।
মেজি জ্ব্লোৱা শেষ হ'লে তাৰ ছাইৰে সকলোৱে ফোট লয় , ঘৰলৈ মেজিৰ ছাই, আধাপোৰা বাঁহ আদি লৈ যায় । সেই বাঁহেৰে আম,কঠাল আদিৰ গছত কোবায় । তেনে কৰিলে গছে বেছি দিয়ে বুলি বিশ্বাস কৰা হয় ।চহৰ তথা নগৰত নৰাৰ মেজি কৰাৰ সুবিধা নাই কাৰনে কাঠ-খৰিৰেই জুই ধৰা হয় ।
ভোগালী বিহুৰ মেজি পোৰা প্ৰ্থা অগ্নি পূজাৰেই এটি ৰূপ । অগ্নিয়ে আমাৰ পৰম উপকাৰ কৰে ।সেয়েহে পৃথিৱীৰ অনেক জাতিৰ মাজত অগ্নি-পূজাৰ নিয়ম আছে । ইয়াৰ উপৰিও মেজি পোৰাৰ পৰা আন উপকাৰো হয় । ছাই এবিধ ভাল সাৰ । মেজিৰ ছাঁয়ে খেতি-পথাৰ সাৰুৱা কৰে, সাধাৰনতে মেজিবোৰ খেতি-পথাৰতে সজা হয় । তদুপৰি জুইত শস্যৰ অনিষ্টকাৰী অনেক কীট-পত্ংগ পুৰি মৰে ।
জাতীয় উ্ৎসৱ বিহুৱে অসমীয়া সমাজত ঐক্য আৰু মিলাপ্ৰীতিৰ ভাৱ বজাই ৰাখে । ইংৰাজী বৰ্ষৰ আৰম্ভনিতে জানুৱাৰি মাহৰ ১৩ তাৰিখে উৰুকা তাৰমানে আজি পুহ মাহৰ ২৮ তাৰিখ,আজি মানুহে নৈ-বিলত সমুহীয়াভাৱে মাছ মাৰি লগ-ভাত খায় ।কালি হ'ল পুহ মাহৰ ২৯ তাৰিখ( ১৪ জানুৱাৰি) হ'ল দোমাহি । কালি ৰাতিপুৱা মেজি জ্বলোৱা হ'ল, যদি সমুহীয়া ভাবে কৰা হয় তেন্তে গাঁওৰ বয়সত জ্যেষ্ঠজনক স্ৰ্দ্ধা জনাই মেজিত প্ৰ্ৰথমে জুই দিব দিয়া হয় ।তাৰ পিছৰ দিনা হ'ল ১ মাঘ । মাঘৰ ১ তাৰিখক বৰ- দোমাহিও বোলা হয় ।
ভোগালী বিহুৰ সময়ত মেজি সজা, লগ-ভাত খোৱা, পিঠা-লাড়ু সজা আদি কামে মানুহৰ মনত বহুত উ্ৎসাহ আনি দিয়ে যিয়ে নেকি মানুহ এজনক গোটেই বছৰটোৰ কাৰনে এক জীৱন প্ৰেৰণা যোগাব পাৰে। বছৰটোৰ আৰম্ভনি যদি ভোগালী বিহু ভালদৰে হাঁহি-ফূৰ্তি, মিলা-প্ৰিতিৰে কৰিব পৰা যায় বছৰটো সুন্দৰ হ'বই ।
সকলোকে ভোগালী বিহুৰ শুভেচ্ছ্যা থাকিল ।
My ideas of a good man or a woman by Jitu Das
- A good man or woman is who gives or express the good within him or her.But what if if a human does not express the good within him, how could the person know that he or she is good ? Because to know thyself is not possible without acting or doing works. The works define the person as a good or bad person.
- A man or woman may not be good to you in behavior, but they shall be sweet towards the people they care about. But then, the woman who was rude to you will be a bad women to you. But she shall be still a sweetheart for some people.
- To judge her bad for behaving rude towards you should not be done instantly. May be you did or said something that triggered her to be rude or maybe you did nothing or you did not utter a word. Maybe your appearance was not good enough for her to show you respect. Maybe she was rich and poisoned by the idea of respecting people regarding their appearance, I mean judging people by their costumes ! Maybe she was angry with someone who looked like you. Maybe she asked for some help and you did not helped. Maybe you disturbed her when she was having fun with your presence or words that you now regret of saying. Maybe it was you fault for her being rude to you.
- Maybe you were also rude towards her. Maybe you saw her inferior than you. Maybe you thought you can control people and they are going to obey you always. Maybe you didn't know what she wanted or you were just selfish enough to neglect her wants or needs. Lets assume that you were good and she was bad. But there is a saying that says that When one is good then all is good or something like that. There is no perfectly good man or good woman out there. We ourselves are not all good, there may be deeds we have done that we still regret.
- But the truth is our whole life is not in our control, but this moment is. All that matters is how you feel in this moment. Some nights when you are struggling and you can not go sleep. Because you keep yourself reminding the mistakes you have done in past life. The truth is the past doesn't exist, right now this moment exists. Whenever you can not go to sleep at night thinking about past, always remember that life is greatest thing in the universe. Do not worry about past, because nothing good is coming out of it, only bad mood.
- Remember it is okay to mistakes once and you should not too hard on yourself. Instead of worrying about past, you can think about how amazing this moment slowly passing through your fingers or you can plan on your wonderful future.
- Everybody have their own idea of being good. The numerous culture has evolved in the course of human evolution. The cultures are also evolving updating the ideas of good, bad, respectable, celebrity, rulers , religion, musics. The culture is always changing, because the culture is not based on facts or rational thinkers. The different cultures judge each other to be wrong. But the cultures are based on human feelings not human thinking. I am not saying that culture is bad.But what culture teach about good and bad, right and wrong is very confusing. What is a culture ? Culture is collection of ways how a group spend their life in a certain region of planet earth.
- There are different cultures around the world having their different ways praying to god, different ideas about what is good or bad, what is right or wrong, different sports, color, race, language, art, dance, music, dress, house and food. India is one of the most colourful country with diversifying people with different culture. Your idea of being good or bad is maybe given to you by your culture. I am not saying your ideas are wrong.
- Yet so many cultures in the world telling what is good and what is bad ! But the basic ideas are similar in all cultures. To hurt someone is bad, to protect and help others is good. To kill is bad if not done by protecting thyself. Being a good person does not mean you will accept criminal abuse silently. To be good means to have a good health. Your health is what keeps you alive. To be sick is being close to death. Being alive is a very precious and delicate thing.
- Always remember that life is the greatest and most beautiful thing in the universe. To be good person to be strong enough protect life. To be a good person means having a good health to do good works by expressing the good within even though there lies bad too, and having good feelings like love and care for all people in the world.
- A good person can feel bad when he sees pain in other's eyes and helps others to ease their pain. A good person does not only improve himself but also the people. A good person do not judge people instantly by seeing the appearance of people, but see the causes behind how people behave. A good person see all people equal in front of law. There is both good and bad in us. It is not easy to be always good, sometime we behave bad. Our whole life is not in our hand, but today is. Today you can choose to have good health, good mood, good feeling towards all people, good day.
The dream of life by Jitu Das short stories
It was a very beautiful morning, and I was awake that morning very early. The door was open and went to wash my mouth. Everyone was asleep even though the sun was pouring sunshine in their rooms. I went outside of my house and started to walk, it was very strange, I arrived at a place near railway line. A big field, the grass was green and glowing cooly and sky is full ofcumulous clouds. I walked again in a road of small green grass. I saw three big temples there, the temple was ancient, I have never seen temple of such architect. The weather was beautiful, sun was hiding in the black clouds, and sunshine was falling only through some pores of the clouds. There was calm breeze flowing and the air carried the scent of red rose flower and lotous. There was a pond of lotous near the temples. Then I saw a zoo, there was man in counter, I went to that counter and he gave a ticket to the zoo. I took the ticket and went inside the zoo, the zoo was bigger than it seemed from outside. There was butterfly flying everywhere, boa and pythons were moving freely, the tigers and lions were playing in water,there was small boy who was loughing watching the monkeys making fun of a tiger. They were all free, and I was mesmerized to see all these. It was so great and wonderful that my heart was filled with ectasy. I was stuck in that moment and I could not move, I was taken by that moment of view, I absorbed all the beauty, the thousands of colorful butterfly, the trees are everywhere, the sould touching scents from the flowers of million flowers. The colorful fishes in the ponds. And the sunshine from sun made the whole zoo just magical. The birds were in a competition of swining sweet. The parrot was singing some ancient melody he heared from the mouths of mankind of ancient ages. There was Chameleons in the tree brances, frogs sitting in the big flat leaves of lotous floating. Then I gain my sense to walk again. There was big giant trees as I went inside the zoo and I knew that it was not a zoo, it is a forest of ancient time.
It was so strange, when I was holding the ticket outside the zoo, I though how did I get there. Then I again went inside the zoo, it was different from the zoo I have seen a while ago. Everything was different, even me. I was tired and weak. The animals were locked inside the cages. The tiger and lions, they were sitting sadly, the monkeys were sleeping, there was no fun they can have inside those cages, so they would dream,which was more fun. The snakes were hopeless, their number have decresed than I saw them. There was a video screen infront of every cage of the animals, and when I went near the cage, I heard a voice of women saying, headphon is connected, now you can listen. I did not know I had ear plug in my ear, there was no wire. That video was showing the tiger, because I was near the cage of tiger, the video told that there is not much tiger left. Where was I, was in future. I coudn't know what year that was, but I knew it was not a distant future. Suddenly I met a friend, a friend that I once knew and now forgotton. I don't know what he was searching but he was standing there and looking at everywhere like he was mesmerized, and I don't remember what did I talk to him, I just remember saying good bye to him. I came out of the zoo and I saw the ancient temples were still there. Then it started drizzling rain, I saw an old man looking at those temples, he was taken by that moment. He seemed to me someone I once knew. Even though he was old, I saw that his eyes were big and curious, his face was glowing, then his body was glowing, he was becoming more beautiful every moment and then he was not old anymore, he became young again, My jaw dropped and a chilling feel ran in my every cell. I felt strong and a whole new energy was dwelling inside me. When I look at him, he was not there anymore. Then a thought so wild and magical came to my mind that I was looking at myself and that old man was myself. How could that can ever happen. I have seen places that I though never existed in my town, I was in past and I was in future and now here I am in the present. I must find the meaning and for that I have to enter to the temples, temples big as mountains and yet I think I should stay on my present,if I see my future then, then there will be interest left in my present and future. Future should not be explored,we must live our present and by living our present we explore the future.Even though I wanted to know about my future because I thought knowing the future could save me the trouble, so that I do not have to fear the unknown future and worry about anymore.
But that is what I should not do,knowing the future is not the way to live life.After thinking a lot,I went home, the road was empty,still everybody was sleeping and the door was open,I felt sleepy and went back to my bed. And I after woke up I felt free and calm. I know now life is not about wining or losing, its about hoping for better.
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পাঁচ ৰাজ্যৰ শ্ৰেণীবিভাজন ব্যৱস্থাই জীৱক তেওঁলোকৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰি পাঁচটা প্ৰধান ৰাজ্যত ভাগ কৰে: কিংডম মনেৰা: ইয়াত প্ৰ'কেৰিয়...
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