10 Reasons Why You should buy a tablet by Jitu Das Tech Reviews

Today I bought this tablet and it's pretty amazing, it's just what I needed for so long, this is perfect for me. I am feeling 100% creative with this tablet
. I don't know not why but I feel really great. It was a good decision to buy this tablet. Today I learned one thing that you should follow your heart, when the heart dies,  there is  no life. I think you should buy a tablet too. I am not just going to give you 10 reasons to buy a tablet . Because I have read those articles and they are not helpfull. So I am going to tell you how I came to buy a tablet and what are the reasons I bought this tablet. I am not going to tell you just now which tablet I bought. Because the purpose of the article is give you some real reasons and explanation about a tablet and it's usefulness. The main reason people don't buy a tablet is because the size is bigger than their pocket and it is not easy you carry around. The question is that tablet is not just a tablet,  it defines a lifestyle.  Tablet brings the comfort for mainly  for readers and writers. Many sites are saying that a tablet does nmore than a laptop, yes that's true. But the thing is that it's you who have to do the work, no,attractive where you work, smartphone,  tablet or laptop. As a lover of both reading article  on net, reading ebooks and writing , I was missing something with the smartphone and a tablet gives all the necessary function a smartphone lacks. The main dilemma begins where you get confused whether you should buy a tablet or not, then you start to search on Internet,  but there is no answer that can convince you to buy a tablet or not. If you are confused just like I was , then it's the right article for you to read. I am giving you some real reasons why you should buy a tablet if you can afford. There is no need to buy a tablet,  if you have a good smartphone already or a laptop and if you don't feel the need. If you don't feel the need to buy a tablet  , then don't. This article is for those confused fellow,  who feel the need to buy a tablet , but they can't afford high price tablets such as ipad, galaxy tab S etc. If you need a tablet and are confused about the benefits of a table.  I can't tell you how it will benefit others, but I can tell you clearly how it has benefitted me. As a writer, I am greatly benefitted.
Following are the reasons I think you should consider if you need a tablet but confused about its benefits:
1. Tablets have large screen and it the main reason to buy a tablet. Because it gives comfort to your eyes, while reading a article,  book or watching a video. If you try to read much on a smartphone,  your eye hurts.
2. Tablets have this appeal that no smartphone  has.
3. Tablets are great for reading books , magazines and articles. Tablet is a great solution to the problem of cutting of tress for making paperbacks.
4. Tablet is a dream come true . Tablet gives you true feeling of progress of mankind.
5. Tablet can perform most functions a smartphone can. Tablet is a phone , but it can also be compared with a laptop.
6. Tablet is perfect for student, because you can read Wikipedia like a book and you don't have to print anymore. The price of printing is so high and a tablet will give ease on your pocket money.
7. Tablet is perfect for teachers,  professor and businessmen. Tablet is the next generation digita database of book, where you are able to access millions of books along with thousands of public domain books. Tablet gives you the right on access the Internet to teach a topic.
8. Tablet is perfect for businessman,  for presentation,  note keeping etc.
9. Tablet is perfect for social workers,  because a tablet gives the best access and flexibility while connecting with people.
10. Tablet is most important for writers, journalists and blogger. It gives you so much comfort to do your work than you ever had in a smartphone.

How to create your passport in India by Jitu Das's How to Essentials book

1.     What documents are required to make passport in India

I don’t want to linger on about it and go right to the point of how to create your passport in step by step system:

1.     First, you need to go to passport.gov, then you need to register as new user, this option will come at the left upper screen of the passport home page.
2.     Before registering have these following documents with you, because you will require them:         
                                            A. PAN CARD
                                      B. VOTER ID CARD
                                      C. AADHAAR CARD
Note : Incase of Assam, there is no need for Aadhaar card , since NRC is not complete in Assam yet.
3.     There is also other information that you should write down clearly like house address, house no etc.
4.      There is another option where you need to put whether you have a job or not, and if you do a job, name the organization where you work, for example, if you are a teacher, you need to write down the name of the school where you teach.
5.     If you have a job, you will need to prepare a N.O.C( No Objection Certificate ) from the director of your department. Again for example , if you are a teacher, you need to collect the N.O.C from the director of education of your district of your workplace. But first, you need a forwarding letter from join- director of education department of your District. Collect two Original copies of N.O.C. from the director of the department.
6.     After collecting the most important document required for  passport if  you a job, you can keep photocopies or scanned copies just incase.
7.     After N.O.C., the other important document is Class X original pass certificate or Birth Certificate, Bank passbook updated, Voter id and Pan card, identity card ( If you have a job ).
8.      After if you have all the documents mentioned above, you can register and pay the fees 1500 rupees ( If you are applying for 36 page passport) or 2000 rupees ( if you are applying for 60 pages passport).
9.     After paying the fees online, take the print out receipt which will automatically generate after successful payment.
10.            Now you should take an appointment for submission of application in nearby passport seva Kendra ( PSK). You can choose a date from the available date.
11. On the date of appointment, take all original documents of class x certificate or date of birth certificate, updated bank passbook , N.O.C if you have a job and voter id, pan card, driving license and take the photocopy of the originals with you. Don't forget to take the print out of appointment.
12. When you take a appointment, think whether you can actually visit the psk on that day.
13. It takes about 2 -3 hours to complete the whole process, the process  is divided into three section, A, B and C. In A section, your documents will be scanned and uploaded into the system and then in the B section , the verification officer will check the uploaded documents and ask to show the original documents like Class X certificates for age proof, updated bank passbook, voter id or pan card.

14. After submission of passport application, you will get a receipt that says subjected for police verification with your file.
15. In general, the passport gets dispatched after 3 days of submission of your application, you might require a police verification or not. Sometimes you don't require a police verification. In the case of a government employee, he gets the passport delivered to home within 3 days after submitting all the required documents in the passport Seva Kendra ( PSK).
  16. If your passport does not get dispatched within three days after submission of application at PSK, then you have wait for a few days, because your file is probably initiated for police verification, and if verification does not complete with 3 weeks ( 21 days), you have to contact the  SP office or Police thana of your  address.

Assamese Biology Dictionary ( জীৱবিজ্ঞান অভিধান ) Part 14 by Jitu Das Biology

 Assamese Biology Dictionary ( জীৱবিজ্ঞান অভিধান )
 Part 14  : Ecosystem ( পৰিস্থিতিতন্ত্ৰ )

      Ecosystem = পৰিস্থিতিতন্ত্ৰ
     Productivity = উৎপাদকতা
     Gross Primary Productivity =  প্ৰাথমিক উৎপাদকতা
     Net Prom Productivity =  অৱশিষ্ট প্ৰাথমিক উৎপাদকতা
     Biomass  = জৈৱ ভৰ

        Decomposition = বিয়োজন
        Detritus = অপৰদ
        Detrivores অপৰদভোজী
        Fragmentation   =   খণ্ডন
        Leaching  =   নিক্ষালন
        Catabolism   =   অপচয়
        Humification   =   হিউমিফিকেচন
        Mineralization  = খনিজীভৱন       

          Energy Flow =  শক্তিৰ প্ৰৱাহ

         Photosynthetically Active Radiaton ( PAR ) =  সালোকসংশ্লেষণীয় সক্ৰিয় বিকিৰণ
         Thermodynamics =  তাপগতিশীলতা
         Consumer = উপভোক্তা
         Primary consumer  = প্ৰাথমিক উপভোক্তা
         Secondary consumer   = দ্বিতীয় উপভোক্তা
         Tertiary consumer   = তৃতীয় উপভোক্তা
         Decomposer  =   বিয়োজক
         Saprophytes   =  মৃতভোজী
         Trophic level    =  খাদ্য স্তৰ
         Standing crop =  কোনোবা এটা সময়ত বাচি থকা জীৱ এটাৰ জৈৱ ভৰ

         Ecological pyramid = পৰিস্থিতি তন্ত্ৰৰ পিৰামিড
         Upright pyramid =  থিয় পিৰামিড
         Inverted pyramid   =  ওলোটা পিৰামিড
         Pyramid of biomass  =   জৈৱ ভৰৰ পিৰামিড
         Pyramid of energy  =   শক্তিৰ পিৰামিড
         Pyramid of numbers  =  সংখ্যাৰ পিৰামিড

  Ecological succession  =  পৰিস্থিতিতন্ত্ৰ অনুক্ৰম

  Community =  সমুদায়
  Colonise  =  নিবহ
  Sere =   জীৱসমূদায়ক ক্ৰমক
 Seral community  =   ক্ৰমক সমুদায়
 Primary succession  =   প্ৰাথমিক অনুক্ৰম
Secondary succession  =  দ্বিতীয় অনুক্ৰম
Hydrach  =   পানী থকা ঠাইত হোৱা অনুক্ৰম
Xerarch   =  শুকান ঠাইত হোৱা অনুক্ৰম
Mesic  =  মধ্যম জলজ অৱস্থা
Pioneer species   =   প্ৰাৰম্ভিক প্ৰজাতি
Weathering   =  অৱক্ষয়
Bryophyte   =  মাছ বৰ্গৰ উদ্ভিদ

Nutrient cycling  =    পোষকৰ চক্রৱস্থা

Biogeochemical cycle  =   ভু- ৰাসায়নিক চক্ৰ
Earth crust  =  পৃথিৱীৰ খোলা

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