Real Life is beyond whatsapp and facebook by Jitu Das philosophy

1   Just because you do not understand something that does mean it is wrong. Some people try to understand the whole universe in his life time, but that is not easy task. They could not comprehend the immensity of universe , so they get angry by getting overwhelmed by the infinity of cosmos and call it all meaningless. They do not see the creation of stars from the dust; they do not see the vastness that is beyond our grasp. Some sees the cosmos in different way; they see it as the creation of god. Some do not see anything, they do not have neither  time nor interest to look up and see the sky. They are too busy in their life racing towards their goals competing with friends and neighbors. But life is always more than the race we all participate. The true meaning of life can only be found outside the boundaries of narrow world that we so carefully created. Life is always beautiful when you are on a mission to find your true self or doing self discovery or when you are trying to reach your goals, without aims, goals, desire, life becomes static,boring and in that moment we feel like life sucks. But the truth is it does not matter what you do, if you do it alone or with people, its all about doing something that you like, something of course other than facebook and whatsapp, it has to be something creative, anything that takes your full attention. The real life always beyond facebook and whatsapp, its upto you whether you chose to live in a virtual world or real world.

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